Martha of Bethany, righteous, myrrh-bearer, sister of righteous Lazarus
Dates of commemoration
(Church calendar - Apr 17) Day of commemoration of myrrh-bearing Women, righteous Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus (movable feast - on the 3rd Sunday of Pascha)
(Church calendar - Jun 4) Day of commemoration of Mary and Martha, sisters of St. Lazarus
The righteous sisters Martha and Mary were believers in Christ even before He raised their brother Saint Lazarus (October 17) from the dead. After the murder of the holy Archdeacon Stephen a persecution against the Jerusalem Church broke out, and Righteous Lazarus was cast out of Jerusalem. The holy sisters then assisted their brother in the proclaiming of the Gospel in various lands.
Sts Martha and Mary are also commemorated on the Sunday of the Myrrh-bearing Women.
Holy relic type
unless specified otherwise below, "holy relic" means a fragment of a bone of the saint
Holy relic
Location of the holy relic in the Cathedral:
Icon "Raising of Lazarus", south wall of the Altar sacristy
Тропарь праведных Марфы и Марии
глас 3
Праведнаго Лазаря Боголюбивыя сестры,/ Марфо и Марие преславныя,/ чистым сердцем Христа в житии вашем возлюбили есте,/ мироносиц вземше чин,/ и Его, яко Сына Божия, безбоязненно исповедали есте,/ сего ради ныне во обителех Отца Небеснаго/ со Ангелы и всеми святыми славно царствуете./ Умолите, Егоже возлюбили есте,/ и нам, грешным, в вере и любви Христовой утвердитися/ и Царствия Небеснаго сподобитися.
Кондак Недели жен-мироносиц
глас 2
Радоватися мироносицам повелел еси,/ плач праматере Евы утолил еси/ Воскресением Твоим, Христе Боже,/ апостолом же Твоим проповедати повелел еси:// Спас воскресе от гроба.