Abraham, righteous Forefather
Dates of commemoration
(Church calendar - Dec 11) Sunday of Holy Forefathers (moveable feast - on the Sunday that falls between the 11th and 17th of December)
The Righteous Forefather Abraham lived around 2000 B.C. His story is found in the Book of Genesis, Chapters 12-25.
God told Abraham that all the nations of the earth would be blessed in his seed (Genesis 22:18), and ordered him to leave his home and his relatives and go to Canaan, the country between the Mediterranean and Jordan. Because God gave this land to Abraham and his posterity (Genesis 12:7), it became known as “the Promised Land.”
Abraham and Lot are also commemorated with Christ’s ancestors according to the flesh on the Sunday of the Holy Forefathers (between December 11 and 17).
Holy relic type
unless specified otherwise below, "holy relic" means a fragment of a bone of the saint
1. Bark of the oakof Mamre
2. Bark of the oakof Mamre
3. Cross section of the oak of Mamre
Location of the holy relic in the Cathedral:
1. North kliros, reliquary #3
2. Relics cabinet in the Altar sacristy, reliquary #10
3. North kliros, east corner, Icon of the Old Testament Trinity
Тропарь в Неделю святых праотец, глас 2
Верою праотцы оправдал еси,/ от язык теми предобручивый Церковь:/ хвалятся в славе святии,/ яко от семене их есть Плод благославен,/ без семене Рождшая Тя./ Тех молитвами, Христе Боже, помилуй нас.
Кондак в Неделю святых праотец, глас 6
Рукописаннаго образа не почетше,/ но Неописанным Существом защитившеся, треблаженнии,/ в подвизе огня прославистеся,/ среде же пламене нестерпимаго стояще, Бога призвасте:/ ускори, о Щедрый, и потщися, яко Милостив, в помощь нашу,/ яко можеши хотяй.