Herman of Solovki, venerable
Dates of commemoration
(Church calendar - Jun 12) Synaxis of Novgorod Saints (movable feast on the 3rd Sunday of Pentecost)
Saint Herman lived as a hermit at the River Vyg, by a chapel. It was here in the year 1429 that Saint Sabbatius of Valaam monastery came upon him while seeking a solitary place for his ascetic deeds. Herman told Sabbatius about Solovki Island, and both monks, crossed the sea and settled on Solovki. They built themselves a cell beneath the Sekir Heights, where they lived for six years. Upon the repose of Sabbatius (September 27, 1435), Saint Herman continued his ascetic efforts on the island together with another wilderness-dweller, Saint Zosimus (April 17). Herman lived on the island for more than 50 years.
Being unlettered, but made wise by Divine Providence and wanting to preserve the memory of Saint Sabbatius to edify many others, he summoned clergy to write down his memories of Saints Sabbatius and Zosimus, and about the events which occurred during their lifetime. Saint Herman loved to listen to edifying readings, and in his final instruction to his disciples he bid them gather books at the monastery. For the domestic and other needs of the monastery the monk made dangerous sailings and prolonged journeys to the mainland into his old age. On one of these excursions to Novgorod in 1479 he died at the Antoniev monastery. They brought his body to the Solovki monastery, but because of some ruffians they had to bury him at a chapel in the village of Khavronin on the River Svira. In 1484, when it was decided to move the grave to the place where he had labored, his relics were found incorrupt.
Holy relic type
unless specified otherwise below, "holy relic" means a fragment of a bone of the saint
1. Holy relic
2. Holy relic
Location of the holy relic in the Cathedral:
1. Relics cabinet in the Altar sacristy, reliquary #13
2. Relics cabinet in the Altar sacristy, reliquary #13
Тропарь преподобного Германа Соловецкого, глас 8
Желанием духовным от юности распаляемь, преподобне Германе,/ Христу тесным жития путем последовал еси/ и, в морский пустынный остров, аки в тихое пристанище, вселився,/ в нем многа лета постнически пожил еси,/ идеже блаженным отцем Зосиме и Савватию сожитель был еси,/ с ними же моли Христа Бога о нас,/ любовию чтущих святую память твою.
Ин тропарь, древний, преподобного Германа Соловецкого, глас 8
Украсився, премудре, постническим житием,/ спостник был еси и сожитель в морстем отоце/ преподобным отцем Зосиме и Савватию,/ сподвизавел в молитвах, и трудех, и в пощениих,/ преподобне отче Германе,/ но, яко имея дерзновение к Богу,/ моли избавити нас от враг и спасти души наша.
Кондак преподобного Германа Соловецкого, глас 4
Вышних желая,/ вся долу влекущая возненавидел еси/ и, отечество свое оставль,/ в поморие пустынное отшел еси,/ таже в морский остров удалився,/ в нем многа лета Господеви поработал еси./ Темже, память твою празднующе,/ любовию вопием ти:/ радуйся, Германе Богомудре, отче наш.