Jeremiah of the Kiev Caves, the Clairvoyant, venerable (Near Caves)
Dates of commemoration
(Church calendar - Feb 27) Synaxis of all Venerable Fathers of the Kiev Caves (movable feast on the 2nd Sunday of the Great Lent)
Saints Damian the Presbyter and Healer, Jeremiah and Matthew, Clairvoyants of the Kiev Caves, Near Caves, were described by Saint Nestor the Chronicler (October 27).
Saint Jeremiah had the gift of the Lord to see into the future, and to see into the moral condition of a person. He died at an old age (+ ca. 1070).
The general troparion to these saints is: “Your hearts were enlightened with the light of Christ’s commandments, and you dispelled the dread darkness. Like an abode of the Trinity, from whom we receive grace, O Fathers Damian, Jeremiah and Matthew, you heal the infirm, and you announce the future in the communion with the angels, We pray you to intercede with Christ God to grant to us the communion of the saints.”
They are also commemorated on September 28 and the second Sunday of Great Lent.
Holy relic type
unless specified otherwise below, "holy relic" means a fragment of a bone of the saint
Location of the holy relic in the Cathedral:
Тропарь Дамиану пресвитеру, целебнику, Иеремии и Матфею прозорливым, Печерским, в Ближних пещерах, глас 1
Христовых повелений светом сердца своя просветивше, / страстный мрак прогнасте, / те Троицы селение бысте тричисленнии отцы, / Дамиане, Иеремие с Матфеем, / от Неяже благодать приемше, / недужныя исцеляете, будущая возвещаете / и, Ангелом сопричастницы суще, / молитеся Христу Богу даровати нам причастие святых.
Кондак Дамиану пресвитеру, целебнику, Иеремии и Матфею прозорливым, Печерским, в Ближних пещерах, глас 2
Якоже древнии пророцы благодать пророчествия приемше и неложне духом прозревше, прорекоша наити хотящая, тако и вы в жизни нашей злая, грехов ради наших на ны грядущая, предвозвестисте; и ныне да не постигнут ны злая, испросите от Христа Бога исправление делом нашим и велию милость.