Zeno the Faster and Hardworker of the Kiev Caves, venerable (Far Caves)
Dates of commemoration
(Church calendar - Feb 27) Synaxis of all Venerable Fathers of the Kiev Caves (movable feast on the 2nd Sunday of the Great Lent)
Saint Zeno the Faster and Lover of Labor of the Far Caves of Kiev lived in the fourteenth century. In the Third Ode of the Canon to the Monks of the Far Caves, he is described as “resplendant in fasting.” His memory is also celebrated on August 28 and the second Sunday of Great Lent.
Holy relic type
unless specified otherwise below, "holy relic" means a fragment of a bone of the saint
1. Holy relic
2. Holy relic
Location of the holy relic in the Cathedral:
1. North kliros, reliquary #5
2. Relics cabinet in the Altar sacristy, reliquary #9
Тропарь преподобного Зинона, постника Печерского, в Дальних пещерах, глас 4
Преподобне отче Зиноне, / преподобне и честне житие твое на земли препроводивый / и тем Богови по премногу благоугодивый, / моли о нас, / чтущих память твою.
Кондак преподобного Зинона, постника Печерского, в Дальних пещерах, глас 8
Восхвалялся днесь, преподобне Зиноне,/ яко преподобен во славе,/ и радуяся давидски на ложи своем во Царствии Небеснем,/ не премолчи о нас мольбу принести ко Господу.