Parish articles archive

28 Sep 2018

“By this sign shall ye conquer!”

These holy words spoken from Heaven came down on the Emperor Constantine in the fourth century. Responding to this message the Emperor commanded that the shields of his soldiers be emblazoned...

20 Sep 2018

The birth of any person is a mysterious event. This is not just another event for the registrar; a new being is come into the world, filled with inextricable mystery. In fact: what will this newborn person bring to the world, and what will life give him? This is why parents...

12 Sep 2018


Chapter 9

During the chanting of the Commandments of the Beatitudes, the central doors, known as the "Royal Doors" (in honor of the Lord "King of Glory") are opened for the 'small entrance." The priest and the deacon,...

08 Sep 2018

Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh


We have become used to turning to God for help in every need and every circumstance in our lives. We expect that in response to every call, to every cry of anguish, suffering, fear, the...

27 Aug 2018

The Church year extends from the Nativity to the Dormition of the Theotokos, just as does human life from sunrise to sunset. But, in comparison with the Light of God's Kingdom we call the time of this life night, because“now we see through a glass, DARKLY; but then face to...

22 Aug 2018


Chapter 8

Right after the announcement of the Blessed Kingdom of God the "Great Ektenia" [Great Litany] is read. The word ektenia signifies devoted, intense prayer. "In peace let us pray to the Lord…" "In peace" is in...

03 Aug 2018


Chapter 7


The priest begins the main part of the Liturgy with a festive declaration: "Blessed is the Kingdom of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and unto ages...

27 Jul 2018


Chapter 6

Ordinarily, during the Proskomedia, the priest gives the blessing for those on the kliros to begin reading the so-called "hours," usually the 3rd and 6th Hours, which in large part consist of...

24 Jul 2018


Chapter 5

"In everything…visible [in the Church]," writes Makary the Great, "imagine to yourself the images and shadows of the hidden: in the visible temple [church building] - the image of the temple...

10 Jul 2018



Chapter 4


The Church puts an end to solitude. To live in the Church, you must go to others, stand with them in the church, and drink...



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  • Washington, D.C., 20011

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