First of all, Orthodoxy is right faith in God; it is that mighty power which makes each truly believing Orthodox Christian unwavering on the righteous and pious path of his life. To be Orthodox...
Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy
In Part I in condensed form, we attempted to respond to the question - what is Orthodoxy. Now it behooves us to begin our investigation of the doctrinal differences between the Christian East and the...
The Roman Church was formed and developed on the foundations of Latin culture, which came out of the Roman pagan religion. The pagan religion of Rome was based on the worship of the souls of the dead...
The breakaway of the Roman Church from the Church Universal occurred in the following manner. In the year 752, Pope Zacharias anointed Pepin the Short, the chief steward of the Frankish kings, to be...
Of old, the Church, in her teaching on the interrelationships of the Persons of the Holy Trinity, has taught that the Third Person of the Holy Trinity, the Holy Spirit, pre-eternally proceeds only...
Orthodoxy is the correct veneration of the Most Pure and Most Holy Virgin Mary, the Theotokos, who, with the assembly of the prophets, apostles, martyrs and all the saints, is our unsleeping...
The Roman Catholic dogma of the Immaculate Conception, whereof we spoke in the last discussion, contradicts the clear teaching of Sacred Scripture on the universality of original sin (Job 14:4-5,...
From the Catholic teaching on the Fall, there issue some more erroneous teachings - the dogma on supererogatory works and the treasury of the saints. As we have already said, according to Roman...
The teaching on purgatory is one of the characteristic differences that distinguish the Roman Catholic confession from the Orthodox Church. According to the teaching of the Catholics, the souls of...
Orthodoxy is faith "in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church". Outside of the Church, there is no salvation, just as there was no salvation outside of Noah’s ark in the days of the flood....
In view of the fact that those teachings which separate Catholicism from Orthodoxy - the filioque, the supremacy and infallibility of the pope, the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary and others...
Roman Catholics defend the idea that it is sufficient for a lawfully ordained sacred minister to perform a certain sacrament according to the established rite in order for it to affect a man. In this...
All the deviations of the Roman Catholic confession from the ideals of the ancient, undivided Church could not but affect its spiritual life. M.V. Lodyzhensky, in the second volume of his "Mystical...
It is appropriate also to say a few words about the attitude of the Vatican toward us Orthodox. In the eighth volume of the Reference Book for Sacred Ministers, published by the Moscow Patriarchate,...
Having declared himself the infallible head of the Universal Church, the pope demanded from all Christians unquestioning sub-mission to him as the vicar of Christ and the sole transmitter of the...
The ecumenical movement takes the Protestant vision of the Church for its guiding principle. Protestants consider that there is no one truth and one Church, but that every one of the numerous...