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Letters from Bishop Nikolai (Velimirovic) of Okhrid and Bitol
In January 1932, a little magazine entitled A Missionary's Letters and comprising but a few pages, began publication in the Okhrid Diocese of the Serbian Orthodox Church. The magazine appeared monthly over the course of three years, and each issue contained about 10 letters from a pastor to his spiritual children. The author was Bp. Nikolai (Velimirovic) of Okhrid and Bitol. The letters were written at the same time as his Prayers on the Lake, The Prologue of Okhrid, and his Homilies, the pride and glory of Orthodox Theology of the 20th Century. The pastor's noble heart offered counsel to, directed and instructed weak, sinful man.. Many people - elders and children, wives and virgins, rich and poor, peasants and scientists, lay people and monastics, neighbors and foreigners, people with physical illnesses and spiritual traumas - sought his counsel. Each received a clear, wise, and most important, a profoundly Orthodox response. Several years later, Vladyka Nikolai collected letters written over the course of three years, and published them in the book entitled A Missionary's Letters. The anthology became a kind of encyclopedia of the life of the people. It contained everything: problems of ethics and aesthetics, sociology and politics, practical and theoretical Theology, science and art.
We offer for your consideration the following excerpt from a letter to a certain engineer who complained about his boring job:
You complain that you are tired of your job. All other activities seem more interesting to you, and you, and you are troubled and anguished about not being able to find something better. I thought about this for a long time before picking up my pen to answer you. I tried to put my self in your place, and to play your part. I imagined myself at your worksite, in the locomotive car, in the midst of the roar of the machine and the pounding of the wheels. Sweaty, covered in soot, I cheerfully looked ahead. Behind me was arrayed an entire little people: old people, parents and children, nobility, diplomats, officials, peasants, workers, and day laborers. They had all been thrown together by circumstance, and they all depended on me. Some talked among themselves and some were lost in thought, but each was mentally striving to get to his final destination. Whether he gets to that station depends on me, and I depend only on God. The passengers could not even imagine how much they depended on me. They were not thinking of me - they didn't even know me. And that is precisely what made me happy. When the train was ready to move, no one came to look at me, or to make my acquaintance. No one asked, "Is our engineer crazy? Is he intoxicated? Is he blind? After all, we have entrusted him with our lives! He is the most important person in the galloping city of which we have become residents for a time." Such thoughts did not even occur to them, and that made me immeasurably happy. It makes me happy that so many people without even a glance entrusted their lives to me, to me, a stranger hidden in the heart of the locomotive. Trembling with joy, I began to thank the Lord: - O great and wondrous God! Glory and praise to Thee, for giving me life, and intellect, and such an important job! You gave me a task very much like Thy work, o God. After all, Thou o Lord, hidden, invisible and unknown, operate the machine of the world with Thine Holy Spirit. It is enormous, Thy passengers are without number. Thou art the [locomotive] Engineer for the entire world. Many, many travelers do not even think about Thee, do not consider the Mystery of Thine existence, but with trust sit down in Thy train and go, and go. And that most gladden Thee, immeasurably gladden Thee. Thou knowest where to grant rest to Thy passengers, where to feed them, and whom to discharge, and where. Frankly, they know little about the remarkable final destination toward which Thy marvelous train is moving, but they trustingly enter, trustingly travel, and trustingly alight. They put their trust in Thee, to the hidden, invisible, unknowable! I thank Thee a thousand times and bow before Thee, my All-seeing and All-powerful Creator and Engineer. In all of the dangers threatening this my journey, I place my hope in Thee alone. Only Thou canst help me bring it to its final destination without losing any of my passengers.
My young friend, what better job are you seeking? Is there any other better than yours? The Apostle Peter was a fisherman, and the Apostle Paul wove mats. Consider how much more important and interesting your job is than theirs, and thank Providence Who entrusted you with such an occupation.
Wishing you health, and may the blessings of the Lord be upon you!
Is it good to have a sudden death?
The letter is addressed to a certain clerk who had asked: "Is sudden death a good thing?"
You write that you have heard others say that they would like to die suddenly: If death is come either way, let it come unexpectedly, and immediately put an end to this life. It is better than suffering with sickness, and making others suffer. An expected death is horrible, but an unexpected one, not in the least. In your village a car ran over a woman and killed her instantly. This gave rise to varying opinions. Some said that such a death is the best. Another said concerning death: "Let it come, but let it not knaw at me." And so you write to me to ask for an explanation.
One must not wish for a sudden death, but one must be ready to die at any moment. This is what the Church teaches us. There are composed prayers to God, asking the Lord to guard us from various misfortunes including sudden death. He, in Whose power are life and death, acts according to His Holy Providence to the benefit of the souls of men, gathering them to Himself or leaving them for a time here on this earth. Most often He gives sudden death to sinners, but sometimes (although rarely) to the righteous. Do we not read in the Old Testament about how the lord punished the sons of Aaron for their self-willed censing with sudden death? And Bananas and Sapphire fell lifeless suddenly, when they lied to the Apostle. Many persecutors of Christians were struck down with sudden death, and one can read about these in the lives of the martyrs for Christ. True, it happens sometimes that a righteous one dies suddenly. Such was the case with St Athanasius of Athos. While he was building something, a wall fell and buried him and several monastics.
In sending sudden death to sinners, the Lord is pursuing two goals: to punish those sinners and to frighten the ones left behind, so they might not sin. When Ananias and his wife Sapphira died suddenly, a great fear fell upon the whole Church and upon all that heard of this. When people rely too much on some righteous one and begin to exalt and deify him, as was the case with St Athanasias, the Lord takes the soul of the righteous one suddenly, to show people that only He is God, that there is no other God beside Him. Nevertheless, occurrences of sudden death teach a distinct lesson to those remaining in the body, namely: all must contemplate their own death and unceasingly prepare their souls, through repentance, prayer and, almsgiving, for an imminent translation to the other world. It has been said that the famous Elder Nikita of Valaam Monastery (+1907) was very fearful of sudden death and constantly prayed to God that before his death, He send him some sickness - the harsher and longer the better - so that, as he himself would say. "…at least through the endurance of sickness to propitiate the Righteous Judge, Who, if He wants, can consider this my virtuous deed, for I have no others." Another Righteous one, lying on his deathbed, comforted his friends with the words: "I suffered for nine months to appear in this world; is it then a long time for me to suffer nine months to leave it?" In actuality, [to endure] sickness before dying is very important. It has brought eternal salvation to many sinners. Thousands of people have discovered God and their souls in sickness suffered before death, and having acknowledged two very important things, about which they had not thought throughout their whole lives, have repented bitterly, have mourned over their foolish life, have taken Communion. Cleansed by their tears and purified by the Blood of Christ, they were found worthy to enter into the Heavenly gates. Therefore, sickness prior to death comes by God's Mercy. Do not be concerned that poor relatives and friends will suffer while being close to us at the hour of our death. This will only be to their benefit - the Lord and Creator will reward them a hundred-fold. Peace be unto you and the Lord's blessing!
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