Faith and Prayer

  • "Восставши от сна, всякий христианин, став перед св. иконами, пусть прочитает молитву Господню "Отче наш" трижды, в честь Пресвятой Троицы, потом песнь Богородице "Богородице Дево, радуйся" также...
  • Father John had the greatest gift of prayer. This was his distinctive characteristic. He profoundly believed with all his heart in the grace, given to him as a priest by God, to pray for God's people...
  • On having any evil thought, one must call upon God's help, for, as St. Isaac of Syria said, we do not always possess within ourselves the strength to oppose evil thoughts, and there is no help in...
  • The Savior commanded: go into your closet and pray there to God the Father in secret. That closet, according to the interpretation of Holy Hierarch St. Dimitry of Rostov, is the heart. It follows...
  • Here in the church there is the one thing needful: Here is a refuge from the vanity and the storms of life. Here is the calm harbor for souls seeking after salvation. Here is incorruptible food and...
  • Blessed are the pure in heart. From the Lord’s sermon on the mount. Create in me a clean heart, O God. Psalm 50. Keep watch over your heart throughout your life. Keep an eye on, and pay attention to...
  • Faith is a gift that has a beneficial effect upon our disposition. It engenders within us the fear of God, and it is fear of God that teaches us to obey the Commandments and to live virtuously. A...
  • ...There is also human righteousness, a righteousness according to external laws, but a righteousness of little significance, not having perfection and plenitude and based on human considerations....
  • Set aside all considerations of: is killing millions of people, women, children, and the elderly, permissible or impermissible. Instead, try to display your proper moral sense in trivialities: do not...

Address of our Cathedral

  • 4001 17th St. N.W.,
  • Washington, D.C., 20011

Phone  (202) 726-3000




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