...There is also human righteousness, a righteousness according to external laws, but a righteousness of little significance, not having perfection and plenitude and based on human considerations. But I ask for Thy righteousness, which descends from Thee and which leads up to heaven; I ask also for help in order to obtain this righteousness.
Hierarch John Chrysostom
Righteousness among men is imputed for a little while to those who judge righteously, while God's righteousness gives eternal justification.
Hierarch Theophanes the Recluse
Blessed is he who is righteous with God's righteousness; his trust is concentrated in Christ, the source of his righteousness. Unfortunate is he who is satisfied with his own human righteousness: he does not need Christ, Who proclaimed about Himself: "I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Matthew 9:13).
Hierarch Ignatius Brianchaninov